The Librarian and Staff of the Central Library maintain a wide collection of books for all Departments and cater to the needs of students from UG sections of the College. To ensure the smooth functioning of the Library certain rules should be borne in mind by the students.
Rules relating to the issue of Library Card:-
- Library cards are issued to the students from the Central Library on producing their money receipts.
- A Student is provided with 2 Library Cards:
- Lending card—books can be borrowed for home issue against this card
- Reference Library Card—against this card, books can be read in the library but not taken home
- Loss of a card must immediately be reported to the Librarian, who will issue a duplicate card after charging Rs.5.00 as fine.
- Library Card is not transferable.
Rules for maintaining discipline:
- Students are directed to maintain silence in the Library to ensure an orderly atmosphere.
- Students are encouraged to use the Student’s reading room to browse books and do reference work.
- For reference, students may ask the Library Staff for previous year question papers on their subjects (if applicable).
- Students are strictly directed not to use their mobile phones in the Library.
- Students are advised to handle the books with care so that the next user may not have to use a defaced book.
Rules for Lending of books:-
- At a time, two books are issued to an Honours student and one book to a student pursuing the general course.
- Requisition slip for lending purposes is issued between 10.15 A.M to 1.30 P.M.
- Library books are issued to the students after 2.00 P.M. on the same day, against the library card. Students should maintain the proper timings of submitting requisition slips and borrowing books for the smooth functioning of the Library.
- A student must return a book within 15 days from the day of receiving the same.
- A book may be reissued for 15 days again provided no other student has placed a requisition for that same title in the meantime.
- Fine for not returning the book to the library on the due date: (a)For the first 15 days @50 paisa per day per book. (b)After 15 days @ Re. 1.00 per day per book.
- If a book is lost, damaged or defaced, the borrower is liable to replace it.
Rules for Reference Library:-
- Reference Library Books, Journals, University syllabus and question papers are issued against the reference card. Reference books and others cannot be taken out from the Library, they can only be read by the borrower in the Library Reading Room.
- The reference section can be accessed from 10.30 A.M. to 4.00 P.M (Monday-Friday) & from 10.30 A.M. to 1.00P.M (Saturday)